The Boxwood Blight is fast becoming a significant problem in Connecticut. Download the PDF files below to learn more about this disease and how to identify its symptons which include brown leaf spots, black stem lesions and rapid defoliation. Any boxwood suspected of having boxwood blight caused by Cylindrocladium pseudonaviculatum (syn. C. buxicola) much be confirmed at the state regulatory lab at CT Agricultural Experiiment Station.
To save time in the confirmation and diagnosis of this new and important disease, it is best to recommend that samples go to their lab directly rather than coming to the UConn Storrs lab. Alternatively, clients may contact the CAES Plant Disease Information Office (PDIO) directly by going to their website: or by calling 203-974-8601 or 1-877-855-2237 (toll free outside New Haven area).
Digital photos can be used to determine if a sample should be sent and those can be sent to CAES staff. Highly suspect symptoms or a positive sample will result in a visit to the site by a state plant inspector.
For questions and more information, contact:
Joan Allen
Assistant Cooperative Extension Educator in Residence
UConn Home & Garden Education Center
1380 Storrs Road, Unit 4115
Storrs, CT 06269-4115
Phone: (860)486-6740
Fax: (860)486-6338