
New Benches For Waveny Walled Garden

The Waveny Walled Garden received a big upgrade last month with the installation of three new benches. The benches are custom made replicas of those that were part of the restoration of the garden by the New Canaan Garden Club thirty years ago. Most of the wood used to make the new benches was donated by the Waveny Park Conservancy from the old oak tree that stood near Anderson Pond just below the Walled Garden. The Town of New Canaan shared in the cost to design and build these benches with a donation from the Waveny Walled Garden Wedding Fund. Former New Canaan residents Nancy and Bills Sessions (who sadly have since passed away) also contributed.     Continue Reading →

New Canaan Garden Club Launches Audio Guide About Waveny Park’s History

The New Canaan Garden Club has launched an exciting new audio guide about the history of Waveny Park on Otocast. The project stems from the Garden Club of America’s initiative to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Frederic Law Olmsted, the father of American landscape architecture. Waveny Park is an Olmsted firm designed property, and the Club felt it was important to enlighten our community on its historical background and significance in a unique and novel way.     Continue Reading →

Save-the-Date: Gardens in Bloom 2025 Garden Tour

The New Canaan Garden Club (NCGC) is excited to announce the date for its highly anticipated Gardens in Bloom Garden Tour, set for Thursday, June 5, 2025. This exclusive, self-guided tour will offer an extraordinary opportunity to explore some of New Canaan’s most breathtaking private gardens that are otherwise not open to the public. From 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM, rain or shine, garden enthusiasts will have the rare chance to experience these meticulously curated spaces that span a variety of horticultural styles, sizes, and designs.     Continue Reading →

Stop the Spotted Lanternfly!

Now is the time to take action to protect against the Spotted Lanternfly!  It is the year of the dragon. With this in mind, let’s tap into our inner gardening dragons and protect our green spaces from the spotted lanternfly scourge. If you see these pods on your trees, now is the time to remove them to mitigate damage in the spring. This pest does not have a predator and can be highly destructive to gardens! Please keep a eye out for these invasive insects in your own garden and while walking in Waveny and Irwin Park.     Continue Reading →

Talk with Jeff Speck, best-selling author of “Walkable City”

Join us for a talk with Jeff Speck, award-winning planner and author of Walkable City, How Downtown Can Save American One Step At A Time. Speck has spent his career studying what makes cities thrive and has bored it down to one key factor: walkability. Speck explains why walking is useful, particularly regarding land-use, zoning, transit, and parking, and then focuses on how, by sharing examples of places where walking is safe, comfortable, and interesting.     Continue Reading →

Zone II Annual Meeting

Last Thursday September 14th, Zone II held their annual meeting in Greenwich at the Belle Haven Club.  Attendees were treated to a full day of activities, highlights being a history of Greenwich lecture by Curator of Science at the Bruce Museum by Dr. Daniel Ksepka covering the origin of the Long Island Sound and Coastline, a tour of the coastline on a 1930’s yacht lead by Susie Baker, marine biologist, retired oceanography teacher, conservationist and preservationist. Besides a delicious lunch we also enjoyed the awards presentation which had two special women honored who are especially close to our clubs heart. The first being past NCGC President, and zone Horticulture judge Jane Gamber who was honored with the Marcy Crutcher award. This award is given for spirit, energy and determination, expanding knowledge in horticulture by sharing in all ways. Words that epitomize all Jane does for our club.     Continue Reading →

Wave Hill’s 2021 Gardeners’ Party celebrates Louis Bauer

Several NCGC members attended Wave Hill’s 2021 Gardeners’ Party on Thursday, September 30th to celebrate Louis Bauer. For nearly two decades, Louis has dedicated himself to Wave Hill, first arriving in 1994 to work under Marco Polo Stufano, and returning in 2014 as Director of Horticulture. He epitomizes the distinctive style of gardening Wave Hill is known for—intimate, adventurous and plants first! Under Louis’ inspired leadership, Wave Hill remains at the forefront of American horticulture; his impact will last long into the future.    

NCGC hosts opening luncheon

The NCGC kicked off the 2021/22 season on September 8th with their annual opening luncheon at Waveny House. Almost a dozen members provided gorgeous and imaginative centerpieces inspired by a variety of adult and children’s books. Our Floral Design Committee is already very busy this fall, touring the Hortulus Flower Show in Greenwich and hosting their own workshop on how to “Take out the Fear and Put in the Fun into Entering Flower Shows.”     Continue Reading →