Visit to New York Botanical Gardens
Contribution to the New Canaan Land Trust
Living in the Garden
Warm wishes and safe travels!
New Canaan in Bloom a big success!
The Town of New Canaan was awash with beautifully creative flower arrangements over the weekend of October 7th – 9th, 2016 to celebrate the fourth New Canaan In Bloom event! Twenty nine stores up and down Elm Street welcomed 52 members of the New Canaan Garden to beautify their store windows,showcase artistic floral design ideas, and to say ‘thank you’ to our wonderful community.
New Brochure for Irwin Park
Reestablishing the Boxwood Parterre Gardens at Waveny
Buy your tickets NOW for the New Canaan In Bloom party and auction this coming Friday, October 7th at the home of Tracy and Joe Merrill at 726 Weed Street from 6:30 to 8:30pm. All auction profits and donations will go towards the reestablishment of the Boxwood Parterre Gardens at Waveny. If you are unable to attend and would like to be a part of the restoration of the gardens, please send donations to: Pamela Randon at 38 Main Street or click on the donate button below. Thank you!
Meet The New 2016 Provisional Class
Welcome Back!
Our 2016/17 season will kick off on September 14th with speaker Shanyn Siegel and a fascinating discussion of conserving and promoting America’s culturally diverse, but endangered food crop heritage for future generations. Author of The Seed Garden: The Art and Practice of Seed Saving, Shanyn is a sought-after speaker and 2016 recipient of the prestigious American Horticultural Society Book Award.