
Waveny Walled Garden

Members were hard at work last week dividing and transplanting at the Waveny Walled Garden. Thank you to everyone for their time and effort to make this civic project a town treasure!

Irwin Park Wildflower Meadow

Enjoy Irwin Park’s latest addition! Take a walk and see the wildflower meadow bursting with baby’s breath, California and Shirley poppies, bachelor’s buttons and wallflowers. Photos courtesy of Susan Bergen.             

2015 Proposed Changes to Constitution and Standing Rules

Click on the link below to view the 2015 proposed changes to the NCGC Constitution and Standing Rules. The revisions have been approved by the Board and will be voted on by the entire membership at the June meeting. Please read and review them before the vote – the changes are referenced in blue and noted in the righthand column.   Proposed Changes to Constitution   Proposed Changes to Standing Rules        

Conservation Corner: Butterflies in our Garden

  Susan Bergen’s Conservation Corner at March’s monthly meeting featured butterflies that are common to southwestern Connecticut. They live in similar habitats but have different needs in terms of host and nectar plants. Some are active in early spring. Others make an appearance later in the summer. Most spend the winter right in our gardens as caterpillars or chrysalids. They are beautiful and fascinating.    Take a look . . . how many different kinds will you see in your garden this season? 

Butterflies In Our Garden    

Conservation Corner: Irwin Park Meadows

Last month’s Conservation Corner presented the meadows at Irwin Park and how they offer a unique habitat in our wooded suburban town.  The meadows at Irwin are full of perennial and annual wildflowers, vines, shrubs and mature trees which are home to bees, butterflies, birds, reptiles and mammals. The display featured late summer and fall blooming plants and how they benefit wildlife.       Continue Reading →