Classes of Membership

There are five classes of membership in the New Canaan Garden Club, designated as Provisional, Active, Sustaining, Affiliate and Honorary. The combined number of these five membership classes is limited to one hundred and fifty (150).

Any request in a change of Membership status MUST be made in writing to the Membership Chair no later than April 1st, as per our Standing Rules.

Provisional Membership

Provisional Membership is required of each new member of the NCGC. Provisional obligations include participation in a one-year introductory program under the direction of the Provisional Chair as well as in all regular Club programs and activities.

During the Provisional Year, a Provisional Member is expected to:

  • Attend monthly meetings (September through June). If unable to attend, Provisional must let Provisional Chair know.
  • Attend special Provisional meetings to be determined by the Provisional Chair.
  • Enter Sweeps at Monthly Meetings at least once in each discipline (w/ mentor, friend or solo).
  • Attend at least one workshop, “chat”, or meeting in Horticulture, Floral Design, Conservation, Photography, and Irwin Park.
  • Sign up for at least FIVE shifts at Waveny Walled Garden, the Club’s signature civic project, during the growing season (April through October). Shifts are scheduled once a week on Wednesdays, Thursdays or Fridays 8:30-10:00am.
  • Sign up for at least one afternoon at Waveny Hort Therapy (Waveny Care Center) Wednesdays 1:15pm-3:30pm.
  • Plan to attend a “field trip” to GCA Headquarters in NYC.
  • Participate and assist in any planned fundraising activity.
  • Plan and create the Holiday Party decorations.

After successfully completing the Provisional Year, all new members are expected to serve in a leadership position.  This usually means accepting a Board position as the co-chair of a committee working with a more-seasoned member.

A person unable to meet the Provisional requirements may be invited to extend the Provisional status for an additional year.

Provisional members are non-voting members of the New Canaan Garden Club. Dues shall be the same as for Active Members.

Active Membership

Active Membership requires consistent participation in NCGC activities, including regular attendance at meetings and workshops, active participation on at least one administrative or civic committee, and active participation in at least one civic project each year. Active members are strongly encouraged to participate in Conservation and Fund Raising and to exhibit in at least one Flower Show each year and/or in sweepstakes at Regular meetings.

Absence from three regular meetings, or failure to fulfill other duties of membership, requires adequate written explanation to the Membership Chair. Failure to comply may, at the option of the Executive Committee, constitute a resignation.

Active members are full voting members of the New Canaan Garden Club.

Sustaining Membership

Sustaining Membership is available to Active members who, after ten years of active participation, wish to be relieved of club duties. In order to become a Sustaining member one must apply in writing to the Membership Chair. A summary of the member’s active history must be included with the letter. The transfer will become effective upon a majority vote of approval by the Board and at such time as a vacancy exists.

The number of Sustaining Members is limited to no more than 30% of the total combined number of Active, Provisional and Sustaining Members.

Sustaining Members are full voting members of the New Canaan Garden Club.

Affiliate Membership

Affiliate Membership is available to (a) those members who are no longer residents of New Canaan, and (b) those members who have been active for 10 years and spend the majority of the Garden Club year (September -June) away from New Canaan. Any member wishing this change in membership status should apply in writing to the Membership Chair. The change in membership status becomes effective upon a majority vote of approval by the Board.

An Affiliate member residing in a town with a GCA club and wishing to become associated with its activities can do so by notifying the NCGC President and asking for a letter of recommendation.

There are two types of Affiliate Membership:

Primary Affiliate - those whose affiliation with the GCA is through the NCGC. These members are full voting members of NCGC.

Non-Primary Affiliate - those who have joined a GCA Club in their new town and still wish to be associated with NCGC. These Non-Primary Affiliates have full voting rights in their new primary club and their affiliation with the GCA is through their new club.

Honorary Membership

Honorary Membership may be offered to long-standing members of the New Canaan Garden Club who have shown outstanding achievement in leadership, horticulture, flower arranging, conservation or civic endeavors. Honorary members will be elected by the membership upon recommendation of the Board. They will have all the privileges of the NCGC except that of holding office.