Gardens in Bloom Garden Tour 2023

Photo by Carrie Corcoran

Inaugural Garden Tour: “Gardens in Bloom” was a Resounding Success!

Thanks to so many supporters, volunteers and tour goers, our inaugural garden tour, Gardens in Bloom, was a fantastic day and an amazing success!  We sold over 500 tickets in advance of the tour day. The tour featured four of our members’ gardens, all completely different in scope, size and style and we also showcased the wonderful public gardens at Waveny House which garden club members lovingly maintain. A festive Preview Party was held the evening before the tour at a fifth private home. 

We have many to thank for the success of this event. First, we would like to extend our gratitude to our Corporate Sponsors, Kathryn Herman Design, Hutchinson Tree Care, Karl Chevrolet and SavATree.  Thanks also go to our Corporate Patrons, Steve Lecher Associates and Rand Insurance. Additional gratitude is extended to the many individuals who supported the Garden Tour at the Patron giving level or as a donor and to the many businesses who purchased ads in our program.

We are thankful for the donations and loans by Earth Garden Florists, Manfredi Jewels, The Adirondack Store and Pet Pantry Warehouse. A special thank you to the designers who artistically set tables on the terraces and “staged’ other areas in each garden bringing the entire property to life: Bungalow Décor, Emily Candee at Vine Floral, Michael D. Canoro of Eastman Interiors, Serena Crowley Design, Tori Legge of Stirling Mills Interior Design and SET by Lisa McLean.

We extend additional thanks to the Town, the Parks and Recreation Departments and to the Waveny Park Conservancy for their unwavering support. We applaud all our members who gave hours of their time planning Gardens in Bloom and also for those who worked the numerous shifts on the tour day. 

Finally, thank you to all who purchased tickets and attended the tour. We hope that you came away from the day with new ideas, inspiration and a lasting memory of each garden’s uniqueness.

The proceeds from Gardens in Bloom will benefit our many Civic initiatives including the gardens at Waveny, the stewardship of Irwin Park, the Colonial Herb Garden at the New Canaan Museum and Historical Society, our activities at Waveny Care Center, small arrangements to accompany the delivery to clients of Meals on Wheels and our efforts to make the town festive during the holiday season.


We look forward to our next Gardens in Bloom in 2025!